Worbelenzi Market / Kampala Traffic, me trying to sound Ugandan

Kids come to see the Mzungus (White Man)


The Market

Gift shop

Me trying to sound Ugandan / traffic in Kampala.

Luwero, Kubamatwe village / Best part of our Adventure

Special breakfast for first night survived
at the mud hut... Tehe :-)

Pan-cake Time!!

Happy campers

The kitchen.

Sam and Patrick at the water hole.

Laura and I with the baby.

Dad collecting water from the bore hole
followed by Patrick, Deborah and the baby.

Us hanging on the side of the Prado,
driving down the 8km driveway.

Zach sitting on my bed in the mud hut, sticks and bricks!!

Christine and the Baby.

Me with the kids. (Left to right, Patrick, Deborah
with the baby, Betty, Irene, George and Me)

Alex, Sherrilyn and Simon outside the mud hut.

Dad, Alex, and I at the pineapple plantation.

Us outside Justine's kitchen

Our Ugandan umbrellas for a hot day, (banana leaves)

This is the Luwero kitchen.

This is the sweet as Toilet... outside.

And Inside... :-) Yum Yum!

The Mud hut Luwero our home for 2 days. Absoulutely Awesome!

The shower, (super good pressure) NOT!!

Mukono / Village

This is our Room @ Mukono Uganda,
(in the Graingers home.)
Us giving the kids @ Mukono some
gifts from New Zealand.

Waiting patiently for his balloon :-)

Big catch up....

OK... super big catch up time! Right, in the time between these last 2 posts we have planned all of our trip to Uganda and been to there and back again. Wahoo!! We had the most amazing trip... it was so great. We went to mainly catch up with the Graingers, but also to experiance the magic of an amazing a place as Uganda, East Africa. We (Laura, Dad and I) had the trip of a lifetime. We realsied and learnt so much about how rich and fortunate we all are back here in NZ. I was incredible to see the poverty that some people live in compared to the wealth many of us take for granted here at home. Uganda is a beautiful place it is so green and lush, the people are beautiful, especially the children! To tell you the truth i didn't exactly want to leave, and I kept telling myself we arn't nessisarily leaving... not yet. Even though we all knew that we were, it was hard for me to accept it right until we were crossing the boarder between Uganda and Ethiopia. I finally came to grips then that we were no longer in Uganda any more we really had left. I cryed so much because I knew how much i was going to miss it... and I realy do. In fact I cryed when we got outside the airport, I cryed when we got in the airport, I cryed when we were waiting for our plane, I cryed when we boarded the plane, I cryed when we took off and I cryed when we crossed the boarded between Uganda and Ethiopia. :-) U see I realy did'nt want to leave! It really was a life changing experience that I hope will only be one of my many trips to Uganda. It is amazing to see Gods work (through the Graingers) in a place like this. It was awesome to help in even a small way to reach the altimate goal which is to turn others to the L0rd Jesus Christ. Later I will post some photos of our trip:

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