My Week...

Its Rubys Birthday today and Eleanors was on sunday :-) Im on a bit of a sugar high now!
Having a good week so far. First week of our new 5 week block of work at school again, so abit of home work to do.... Never ending.... We just finished a big block of work thenwe had a lovely weekend of then we get back on monday and there it all is again... a big fat stack of work just sitting there waiting for us :-) Hope your week is going well.See some of you on sunday.. xxx
Hope you enjoyed my last post jokes...
Playing round with the web cam again...

The second best joke...

Here is the second best joke in the world:

There were two monsters eating a clown.
When one said to the other,

Does this taste funny to you?

I love it dont you??

Bestest Joke ever...

Do you want to hear the bestest joke ever??

Here goes...

There were two muffins sitting in the oven...
Then one said to the other.... Man its hot in here!
And the other said,

Ahhh, a talking muffin!

Oh man I just about fall of my chair every time!
Thats the best one ever....

Dress up day...

Pigs Hearts...

We did it... I have offically disected a sheeps heart as of today! :-) was sooo much fun. Claudia and one of my other school friends got to disect a pigs heart. Did you know that a pig has the closest organs in shape, size and make up to a human than any other animal?? Thats why in some organs transplants into humans they use pig organs.. Gross aye?? No Jokes. Its True...
I found it hard to eat after that! Hope you have a great dinner... :-)


Haha this will be fun tomorrow we are disecting pigs hearts in science :-)


Today I had my first Secondary School speech... Us Year 9's Had to do a partnered interveiw. Asi was in Australia when thet picked the partners and i am the one and only girl in my year group i was made to go with... Josiah... Him and I did it remarkably well comapred to what i though would happen! It ended up that we recieved 71% each and I recieved a Excelence in the clarity of my voice. :-) That was good. I also had greek today, We are learning about the book of Jude, and will eventually begin translating it later this term. This will be tricky as we havent learn't the greek verbs yet.. All in good time.
Hi there,
My Name is Beatrice Major, I am 13 years old turning 14 in October.
I attend the Hastings Christian School, where i have gone ever since i was 5.
I love my school because as a small school every one knows each other and you can form some fantastic friendships and links. Also being a christian school we can learn about the Lord our God and speak about him freely. At the Christian school there are many opportunities to serve the Lord and to serve others. At our school i have the privilege of learning a second language with I have chose to do New testament Greek. It is extremely challenging but The rest of my class and i have managed to make a lot of improvement and we know that this will be a fantastic tool for the future and learning and studying the word of God.

Beatrice major.

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